From the beginning of human civilization, Human being has a fascination for immortality and to remember their dear departed one. From that notion, they had been building some incredible Mausoleums and Tombs in the world.
Most of these wonderful Mausoleums are standing all over the world bearing the testimony of love, honor, and excellence. Today we are introducing you with some magnificent 10 famous Mausoleums in the world.
Most Famous Mausoleums & Tombs:
10. Tomb of Cyrus

David Stanley
Although there is no firm evidence that it is the tomb of Cyrus the Great, It is well known as the Tomb of Cyrus. Cyrus was the founder and ruler of the vast Persian Empire in the 6th century BC. The tomb is situated in Iran, at the Pasargadae World Heritage Site in Fars Province.
The Mausoleum is the oldest base-isolated structure in the world. It means it is durable from an earthquake. When Alexander looted and destroyed Persepolis, he paid a visit to the tomb of Cyrus. From his description, we know that it is the tomb of Cyrus.
9. Lenin Mausoleum

Lenin’s Tomb is the Tomb of Russian Communist Revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin in Red Square in Moscow. His preserved body has been on public display there since his death in 1924. Its structure incorporates some elements from ancient mausoleums like Step Pyramid and the Tomb of Cyrus. The body preservation of Lenin is quite a job.
The corps requires daily work to moisturize the features and inject preservatives under the clothes. Every eighteen months the corpse is removed and undergoes a special chemical bath. Taking photos or videos as well as talking and smoking are not allowed in the tomb. It has always been the most visited site for foreigners traveling Russia.
8. Humayun’s Tomb

The flamboyant nature Mughal Emperor Humayun’s tomb was commissioned by his first wife Bega Begum from 1569 to 1570. It was designed by Persian architect Mirak Mirza Ghiyas. Located in Nizamuddin, East Delhi, it was the first garden-tomb on the Indian subcontinent and set an influence for following Mughal architecture.
The tomb reaches a height of 47 meters and 91 meters wide. It was the first Indian building to use the Persian double dome on a high neck drum. It was also first to use its unique combination of white marble and red sandstone.
7. Mausoleum of Hadrian

Ordered by the Roman Emperor Hadrian as a mausoleum for himself and his family, the Mausoleum of Hadrian also known as the Castel Sant’Angelo is a towering cylindrical building in Rome. It was later used by the Popes as a fortress or castle and now a museum.
Most of the tomb contents and decorations have been lost since the building’s conversion to a military fortress in 401. The popes converted the structure into a castle in the 14th century. Later it was even used as a prison.
6. Tomb of Jahangir

Commissioned by his son Emperor Shah Jahan, The Tomb of Jahangir is the mausoleum built for the Mughal Emperor Jahangir, one of the most famous mausoleums in the world. This marvelous mausoleum is located in Lahore, Pakistan. The entrance to the mausoleum is through two massive gateways of stone.
The corridor around the mausoleum is adorned with a very elegant mosaic, representing verses from the Quran and flowers. Shah Jahan built the mausoleum 10 years after his father’s death. The tomb is on the tentative list as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
5. Imam Husayn Shrine

The Shrine of Husayn ibn Ali is situated in the city of Karbala, Iraq is a renowned site of pilgrimage for Shia Muslims. Husayn ibn Ali was the 2nd son of 4th Caliph and grandson of Prophet Muhammad. He was killed in the tragic battle of Karbala.
Imam Husayn Shrine comprises the mosque and burial site of Imam Husayn. The grave of Husayn is enclosed within a cage-like structure, found directly beneath a golden dome.
4. Mausoleum of the Shirvanshahs

This mausoleum is the biggest monument of the Shirvan-Absheron branch of the Azerbaijan architecture, situated in the Inner City of Baku. It is part of the Palace of the Shirvanshahs. The complex contains the main building of the palace, the burial-vaults, a mosque, a small stone pavilion and the remnants of the bath-house besides the Mausoleum.
The mausoleum is of a rectangular shape. It is crowned with a hexahedral cupola that is decorated from outside with multi-radial stars. It was commissioned by Sultan Khalilullah I for his mother and son burial in the 15th century.
3. Shah-i-Zinda

Shah-i-Zinda is one of the most remarkable mausoleums of Central Asia. It is situated in the north-eastern part of Uzbekistan. The Shah-i-Zinda means “The tomb of the living” which is associated with the legend of Kusam ibn Abbas who is the cousin of Prophet Muhammad. He was buried here. He came here to preach Islam but decapitated for his faith.
Legend says he is still living there. The tomb comprises of three groups of structures connected by four-arched domed passages. Although the earliest buildings date back to the 11-12th centuries, most of the buildings date back to the 14-15th centuries.
2. Terracotta Army

The Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-206 BC), who is credited for successfully unifying China, is situated near the city of Xi’an. But the tomb of the emperor has not been excavated yet. Only his buried terracotta army unearthed. Immediately this terracotta becomes one of the major tourist attractions in China.
It is estimated that in the Terracotta Army there were over 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses with them. But the majority of which are still buried.
The figures are in the genuine shape of human and horse. Even every soldier has a distinctive face with a real weapon. The Emperor might have been hoped he along with the soldier will resurrect one day and rule again. No doubt, we are yet to discover so many legends about this absolute wonderous man-made establishment ever.
1. Taj Mahal

Ken Wieland
The Taj Mahal, the wonder of white marble, built between 1632 and 1653 by 5th Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. This beautiful mausoleum is situated on the southern bank of Yamuna River in the Indian city of Agra. Built for the memory of his beloved wife, TajMahal is an edifice of love and beauty.
The Taj is one of the most well preserved and architecturally beautiful tombs in the world. Addressed “a teardrop on the cheek of eternity”, the monument is actually an integrated complex of structures. It is regarded as the most visited tourist destination of India.